5 Simply Awesome Ways to Satisfy Sellers
Do You Really Know What Makes Your Sellers Happy?
- Great Communication. Communicate with sellers weekly. Keep them informed of showings, market activity in their neighborhood, marketing initiatives, etc.
- Open House. Host an open house as often as possible. Chances that you’ll find the right buyer for this property during an open house are slim, but this event is actually a great opportunity to sell yourself.
- Marketing. Have a comprehensive marketing plan in place. Consistently email your sellers making them aware of when and where their property is being advertised.
- Sold. Sell their property in a reasonable amount of time. In doing so, it must first be properly priced.
- Closing Process. Use the OrganizeMeForms™ Closing Checklist and customer closing forms. Follow every step and pay attention to contingency dates. You’re the ringleader — maintain great communication with the mortgage broker, title processor and sellers over the course of the closing process.
Be highly organized and detail oriented throughout the process of selling their property. In doing so, you’ll be rewarded with repeat business and referrals for years to come.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for!
Critical Questions Sellers Must Ask Before Listing
Questions to Ask an Agent During the Listing Presentation
- Experience. How long have you been selling real estate? Full time or part time?
- Sales. How many properties have you sold over the last 12 months?
- Fees. What is your commission?
- Luxury Market. If the property is in a luxury market — How many properties have you listed and sold over the last year in a luxury market?
- Marketing. How do you plan to advertise our property? Where do you advertise your listings i.e. print, website. social media channels etc.?
- Listing Agreement. How long are we committed to the agreement? What if we’re not pleased, are there repercussions if we want to terminate the agreement?
Sellers should always interview at least 2-3 agents. Never list with an agent solely because he or she is an acquaintance or friend-of-a-friend. Make sure the agent is qualified, highly organized and your personalities mesh well together. Be crystal clear on communication expectations with your agent.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for!
12 Agent Safety Tips
12 Safety Tips for Real Estate Agents
1. Keep your personal and business social media pages separate. Consider changing the security settings on your personal pages on social media and making them private, if you have a lot of personal information displayed. You don’t want to give complete strangers full access to details about your personal life.
2. Never meet new clients, aka strangers, at your home office.
3. Meet new clients, that you’ve never met before, in your company’s office or a public place like a restaurant or coffee shop.
4. All of your showings should be entered into an app with the client’s name, address and cell number. Office staff should have access to all of your showing details.
5. Never meet new buyers for the first time showing them property. Have them come into your office, get their contact information, make a copy of their driver’s license and introduce them to office staff. Before showing property, determine the criteria for the property they want and also have them get pre-approved by a mortgage broker or mortgage loan officer.
6. All agents should refrain from including their headshot photos on real estate signage. Your photo may prompt a potential perpetrator to pursue you and not for real estate reasons.
7. Keep pepper spray in your purse or on your key ring. Whether it’s an aggressive human or canine, be prepared.
8. If you’re hosting an open house, be aware of your surroundings and who is at the property. Have an open house sign-in log. Always have your purse and valuables stored out-of-sight.
9. Listen to your gut instinct. If a situation or person feels wrong, leave immediately. No excuse required.
10. If you ever find yourself in a position where you’re being strong-armed or physically threatened — scream, bite, kick them hard in the groin. Do whatever it takes to get away! Fight for your life! Never let someone take you to a second location. Never!!
11. Take a Self Defense class yearly. There’s also CPR/AED and First Aid Training classes available. Contact your local police and fire departments for information on public education classes. Be prepared for all emergencies!
12. Your broker has a list of safety rules for agents to follow. Make sure you’re aware of what they are.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer.
Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Dealing with High-End Sellers
Missteps Listing Agents Should Avoid
- Lack of Communication. Not consistently communicating with sellers. Sellers want to be kept up-to-date on all activity surrounding the sale of their property.
- Not Pre-Qualifying Buyers. Always make sure prospects are pre-qualified before showing the property.
- Ineffective Marketing. Sellers will insist that you have an impressive and comprehensive marketing plan. Have a variety of aerial photos taken and mark the property lines on them. Create fabulous flyers and feature sheets. Advertise in luxury home magazines.
- Unavailable for Showings. Sellers will want you to be present during all showings (not your Assistant!). Make time prior to each showing to expertly stage the property.
- Not Tech Savvy. High-end properties will typically have very expensive and complex lighting, alarm and sound systems. Make sure you spend enough time with the sellers showing you how it all works and take good notes. If the property is vacant, feel free to use sticky notes on switches and controls so you remember how they operate.
- No Inventory List. If the property is being sold with all contents included in the sale you need to immediately do a full inventory of every item in that property. Make sure the sellers advise you what items are personal and they’re taking with them. Have the sellers review and sign off on the inventory list.
- Lacking Keys & Clickers. If the property is vacant make sure that you get all keys for doors, windows, garage, attic access door, boat lift as well as gate and garage door clickers etc. Collect all of those from the Sellers when the property is listed and keep them in a secure place. If a home inspector needs any of those keys during an inspection and they’re not available, the sellers will blame you.
- Not Monitoring Their Property. If this isn’t the sellers primary residence, you’ll have a second job title “Mr/Ms Home Watch.” Sellers will expect you to be their eyes and ears if anything is going wrong with their property i.e. pool isn’t being cleaned, grass isn’t being cut, A/C isn’t working, toilet overflowed, damage from mother nature, etc. Update sellers on the condition of their property on a weekly basis.
- No Impressive Realtor Tour. Sellers will want you to hold a grand broker’s open for your fellow agents and brokers. Be creative and make sure you have delicious food and beverages available. They’ll stay longer if you do! Don’t forget to use the OrganizeMeForms™ “Realtor Tour Sign-In” form so you know who attended and capture their invaluable feedback to share with your sellers.
- No Market Updates. Your sellers will want to know what similar properties in their neighborhood are new, pending or sold. Add your sellers as prospects in the MLS so they get automated email notifications of market activity for their area.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer.
Market Yourself At Open House
Think Of An Open House As A Networking Event That You’re Hosting
Listing Agents should want to hold as many open houses for their sellers as possible. Certainly not because an open house will bring the right buyer for that property, but because an open house will lure prospective buyers and sellers to you. It’s a networking event and a great opportunity for you to meet and introduce yourself to prospective customers. Market yourself, along with the listing. Make sure you look professional, have a variety of great marketing materials available and ensure the property is well staged. Everything should look and smell inviting. Take the time prior to the start of your open house to get organized. If you want open house attendees to stay a little longer to talk with you, have food available.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Key Strategies To Personalize Your Business
How Personal is Your Business?
When was the last time you sent a handwritten note to a customer? Do you send your customers birthday and anniversary cards? In this era of emailing and texting, it’s more important than ever that you talk to your customers as well as send them handwritten notes and cards. The more you personalize your business and put effort into your relationships, the more you show your customers you care about them. Customers who feel your warmth and sincerity will happily refer you to everyone they know. Free advertising!! The next time your past customer buys or sells property, who do you think they’ll call? If you made the effort to personalize your business, they’ll be calling you.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Fabulous Ideas For Marketing Your Luxury Lot Listing
Marketing Your Lot Listing in a Luxury Home Market
Listing Agents – Have a current survey done on the property. Get aerial photos and video of the lot (drone technology!). Using a photo editor program draw the lot lines on your aerial photos and make color prints. Take some great pics of the lot at every angle. Questions for the seller — Who are the utility companies, city water or well, sewer or septic, who maintains the lot? You need to be creative in advertising your lot listing. You should periodically hold an open house, weather permitting, just like you would for a house or condo. Advertise it!! Put up open house signs with balloons and have your exceptional marketing materials displayed on a table. Bring some chairs and have a cooler of bottled water to hand out. Look professional and ready to meet prospective customers and anyone interested in building a house on a great lot in that neighborhood. This is a fantastic opportunity to not only showcase the lot you’re selling, but also to highlight your creative and unique marketing techniques.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Sellers Stay Away
4 Occasions You Never Want Your Sellers Present
As a listing agent, you need to be an adviser to your sellers. You need to inform them of the best course of action in selling their home quickly and efficiently.
Realtor Tour. You want your peers viewing your listing to feel at ease and have the ability to speak freely to you, as well as to other agents in attendance, about the pros/cons of the property.
Open House. Prospective buyers, prospective sellers, neighbors at the open house will all be more content if the seller is not present. The open house may not bring the perfect buyer, but it’s an opportunity for you to increase your Sphere of Influence.
Showing. Prospective buyers will feel more comfortable if the seller is not present. They will be more inclined to envision themselves living in the property, where they’d place their furniture and feel at ease talking with the selling agent.
Home Inspection. The buyers and the home inspector need privacy and the ability to move freely throughout the property without having the sellers tagging along. You can inform them that once the inspection is completed you’ll receive a summary report from the selling agent that you’ll share and discuss it with them.
During the above times, tell your sellers to place valuables and highly personal items out-of-sight or securely locked away.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
How To Network Like A Top Producer
Below are (5) Ways You Can Socialize And Grow Your Business:
- NETWORK with your peers and others working in the field of real estate.
- NETWORK with small business owners who build referral partnerships.
- NETWORK at various events for local business owners. When attending the events, make authentic connections that lead to friendships. Do not attend with the intent of just passing out your business card to everyone in the room. Bush league!!
- NETWORK with past clients. What hobbies, sports, Meetups and volunteering are they participating in that you can share with them.
- NETWORK with groups, clubs, organizations, not-for-profits so you can cultivate genuine friendships with those who share your common interests and whatever you’re passionate about.
Come out of your cocoon butterfly!! Become an extrovert!! You must be a social butterfly if you want to be a Top Producer. You need to consistently grow your Sphere of Influence as well as maintain relationships with past clients. Your networking effort will determine your level of success.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
3 Ways Real Estate Agents Sabotage Their Social Media
Social Media Marketing Is A Great Tool to Build Your Business and Brand
Too many Social Media Platforms. It’s better to choose 1-3 social media platforms, rather than several, and manage them properly.
Infrequent Posting or Tweeting. If you’re not posting and tweeting on a regular basis, then social media won’t be an effective marketing tool to increase your business. Utilize a social media scheduling app that will help you get organized by planning and scheduling your posts and tweets. A consistent and engaging presence is your goal.
Not Interacting with Potential Customers. Social Media gives you a golden opportunity to connect with potential sellers and buyers and impress them with your knowledge of the real estate market. Real Estate is the art of becoming a valuable adviser and not a salesperson.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!