Listing Agent
Home Inspection For Older Properties
Listing Agents should encourage their sellers to have a home inspection done by a Licensed Home Inspector immediately after they obtain a listing (especially if the property is older). Having a home inspection report available to prospective buyers gives them peace of mind that there are no major defects. Also, by having a home inspection done up front it will uncover any defects the sellers were unaware of and those issues can be fixed from the get-go. The only drawback to doing this is if the property doesn’t sell quickly then the home inspection report would eventually be outdated. Typically, once there is a contract on the property the buyers will want their own home inspection report and they will pay for it. Having the sellers obtain a home inspection report gives them, and the Listing Agent, the insight on defects and the time to remedy them from the beginning of the listing. Being organized and proactive is a plus! Provide your sellers with qualified referrals to get repairs completed for items noted on the home inspection report. The report also let’s prospective buyers know the property is defect free. Or, if there were issues you can show prospective buyers the receipts for the work that was completed.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Brilliant Reasons Why Agents Should Host Open House
Why should agents be enthusiastic about hosting an open house?
I was talking with a seasoned agent who said he’ll host a few open houses to appease his seller, but he really doesn’t enjoy doing them and feels it’s a waste of his time. Your seller believes you’ll find the ideal buyer for their home by hosting an open house, but in reality, chances are slim that the right buyer for this property will show up at an open house. Why should you be eager to hold as many open houses as possible? Because this is how you’ll meet prospective customers. You have the opportunity to network and showcase your skills as an outstanding listing agent. Make sure the home is properly staged, smells fabulous and your awesome marketing materials are on display. Have bottled water and food available. Food will always keep people around longer to talk with you.
If you have an assistant, it’s possible you’re having them host all of your open houses. If this is your strategy, you’ll miss the golden opportunity to meet prospective buyers and sellers face-to-face. The bottom line is this event is really all about selling yourself and building your “Sphere of Influence.”
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Sellers Showing Tip
Sellers Should Not Be Home During Showings
It’s beneficial for sellers not to be home during showings. It makes the buyers more at ease when looking around the property. The selling agent will want the ability to talk freely with his/her buyers as they navigate around the property. Additionally, it makes it difficult for potential buyers to visualize themselves living in the space if sellers are there.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (85) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Most Desired Listing Agent Attributes
Highly Desired Attributes Most Sellers Want In a Listing Agent
- Great track record for selling properties quickly. (How many properties has the agent sold in the last 12 months? What was the list price and sold price of those properties?)
- Works full-time.
- Go-getter.
- Integrity.
- Honest.
- Diligent.
- Results driven.
- Friendly personality.
- Aggressive.
- Highly experienced negotiator.
- Several years of real estate experience.
- Knowledgeable about real estate in my neighborhood.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (80) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Seller Home Inspection
Older Property – Seller Should Get a Home Inspection ASAP
If you’re listing an older property, not being sold as-is, advise the sellers that it’s a good idea to go ahead and have a home inspection done after you’ve listed it. The report will reveal any defects that need to be addressed from the get-go. Having the sellers make any necessary repairs immediately will help in the selling process. No hidden issues! The juice is well worth the squeeze
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (80) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!
Form Spotlight – Remote Seller Checklist
Remote Seller Checklist
The Listing Agent would use this checklist when the listing is not the sellers primary residence. In luxury, vacation and second home markets, typically the property will not be the sellers primary residence. The checklist will provide the Listing Agent with invaluable knowledge about the property in the absence of the sellers living there year-round or never occupying the property at all. For example — Is there a caretaker? Is the property tenant occupied? Other than the sellers, who has access to the property? etc. All of the questions on the checklist are specifically designed to give the Listing Agent key information they need to know from the remote sellers about their new listing.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
OrganizeMeForms™ (80) Exclusively Designed Real Estate Forms & Checklists – Providing Real Estate Professionals, their Customers and Teams with a unique collection of detailed forms to keep them on-track with task management. The solution agents have been waiting for! Start using OrganizeMeForms™ today and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful top producer. Click on the button below to order now!