12 Agent Safety Tips
12 Safety Tips for Real Estate Agents
1. Keep your personal and business social media pages separate. Consider changing the security settings on your personal pages on social media and making them private, if you have a lot of personal information displayed. You don’t want to give complete strangers full access to details about your personal life.
2. Never meet new clients, aka strangers, at your home office.
3. Meet new clients, that you’ve never met before, in your company’s office or a public place like a restaurant or coffee shop.
4. All of your showings should be entered into an app with the client’s name, address and cell number. Office staff should have access to all of your showing details.
5. Never meet new buyers for the first time showing them property. Have them come into your office, get their contact information, make a copy of their driver’s license and introduce them to office staff. Before showing property, determine the criteria for the property they want and also have them get pre-approved by a mortgage broker or mortgage loan officer.
6. All agents should refrain from including their headshot photos on real estate signage. Your photo may prompt a potential perpetrator to pursue you and not for real estate reasons.
7. Keep pepper spray in your purse or on your key ring. Whether it’s an aggressive human or canine, be prepared.
8. If you’re hosting an open house, be aware of your surroundings and who is at the property. Have an open house sign-in log. Always have your purse and valuables stored out-of-sight.
9. Listen to your gut instinct. If a situation or person feels wrong, leave immediately. No excuse required.
10. If you ever find yourself in a position where you’re being strong-armed or physically threatened — scream, bite, kick them hard in the groin. Do whatever it takes to get away! Fight for your life! Never let someone take you to a second location. Never!!
11. Take a Self Defense class yearly. There’s also CPR/AED and First Aid Training classes available. Contact your local police and fire departments for information on public education classes. Be prepared for all emergencies!
12. Your broker has a list of safety rules for agents to follow. Make sure you’re aware of what they are.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in blogs on this website are solely those of Marcy Sanders. The information provided on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.
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